Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1 Year old!! August 6, 2013

We survived 1 year!

He has started walking!  He takes about 6 steps as a time, and it's so cute.  He still pulls himself up on things rather than hoisting himself up, but he'll get there when he strengthens his legs and core. :)

He is eating great!  Loves everything we give him.  We try to give him fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains- Os, bread.  He loves beets, black beans, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese.  He loves feeding himself, and right now just plays with the spoon.

He still drinks from a bottle.  He has about 20 oz of whole milk a day (yay, done with formula!)  He'll have one bottle right when he wakes up, then another before morning nap, another before afternoon nap, and one at bedtime.  Sometimes he needs a little in the afternoon before bedtime.  We are working on switching over to a sippy cup, but with everything that has been going on, we're giving ourselves a little time.

He was about 22 pounds and about 30 in. at his 1 year appointment- average, not sure of the exact %s (which, by the way, I couldn't go to. :(  It was during a professional dev. day I couldn't miss, and the doctor's office had nothing until the end of August!  Zach did great though!)  We are now going to a pediatrician in Manhattan (we'd been going on post before, but now that Zach's no longer in the military, we can choose where to go!)  There are 7 docs there to choose from, so we'll try a few before we decide who we'll stick with.

He is in mostly 12 month and 12-18 month clothing.  Some of the pants are a bit big, but he's fine.  He is still working on walking with shoes on, it will be a process.  He wears size 3 disposable diapers, and is still in cloth about 3/4 of the time.  We still love the Huggies Overnight diaper for night time, and he wears a size up, so size 4, in those.

Play- The downside to have 100+ degree weather (as if it's the ONLY downside...) is that we couldn't play outside that often this summer.  So, now, he isn't IN LOVE with the park.  We are working on it!  He loves to swing, and will sit on your lap and just look.  Our PAT educator suggested that's maybe he's overstimulated, which is a very likely possibility.  We're looking for a park that's not too crowded but still has that cushy flooring as opposed to sand or those wood chips.

He is LOVING toys!  He got some awesome things for his birthday, like a Cozy Coupe car and a tricycle.  He loves getting into his toys baskets by himself, and still is really entertained playing on his own.  He adores getting into the drawers we haven't childproofed yet.  He'll toss out every single hand towel on the ground.  He also likes to start the dishwasher and washing machine. :)  Colin still enjoys reading books, and is eating them less and less everyday!  Sometimes we'll catch him with a book in his lap, often upside down, :) and he'll be reading to himself.  Adorable.

For his 1st birthday, we celebrated with a simple baseball themed party!  Friends and family joined us to celebrate this sweet baby boys 1st year of life.  Thanks to everyone who attended!!!!!

Birthday cupcake from the party!

1 Year! 8-6-13

Birthday muffin with vanilla yogurt "icing" :)

Cozy Coupe from Granmpa!

Birthday table

Birthday "cupcakes"- carrot cake muffins with cream cheese icing,
and red vines for the baseball stitching.  YUM!

More birthday party pictures, thanks to Aunt Brooke! :)

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