Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014- 17 months

Colin's newest love is Wheels on the Bus.  Any version.  Anytime.  He calls it "e-i-e-i-o", or "yi-yo", because we had Old MacDonald and Wheels on the Bus apps on the iPad for the plane trip to Portland. We listened to both, and he somehow now associates it with Wheels on the Bus.

We went to Portland for a wedding at the beginning of January.  Congrats Nick and Jamie! (fridns from Germany).  First time for Colin on a plane, he did great.  BUT, Colin got sick for the first time. :(  We were up most of the 2nd night we were there, cleaning up sheets in our hotel room.  Luckily the next day he was feeling much better!  I also think he was teething at the same time.

He has gotten 2 top and 2 molars.  At the same time.  Poor guy.  They are both through now!  But, it did cause a huge disruption in his sleep for about a month.  He is, for the most part, back to "normal".  Hopefully.  He has 6 teeth on top, and 6 on bottom, plus a few more side ones coming in.

He's about 23 pounds, and 30 in. tall, which isn't tall.  We think that's weird since Zach and I are both pretty tall!

He's in size 3 diapers.  We're taking a break from cloth since his pooping is random and we're tired of spraying cloth diapers.  He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes, some 12-18 months.  His weight gain  kind of plateaued, which I guess is normal since he has been so active.  

He loves giving kisses and hugs.  He has a bunch of words! Some he'll say on his own, some he'll repeat.  We finally started writing them down so we wouldn't forget- mama, dada, nana (banana), uh-oh, da (dog), ni-ni (night night), hello, no, wow, Al, bye-bye, go, door, ball, car.

Zach enjoyed the student life in December and January, 5 weeks off!  He is back to school now, mostly online classes, so that makes it nice for staying home with Colin!  My mom comes once a week for a whole day, we have a college babysitter, Janae, who he loves, who comes one morning a week, and he still goes to "school" Thursday mornings.  

School is going well!  Fortunately I will be able to take 12 weeks of maternity leave, starting on the first day of school in August.  I'll go back to school in October, so the new baby will be about 4 months old!  We just plan to continue playing daycare by ear.  If Zach has mostly online classes and can stay home, we might just continue with my mom and babysitters, with Colin's Child's Day Out school.  We will just see!

Strike a pose!

Bundled up to walk Portland
Children's museum- culprit of the sick germs?

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Carbaugh!
KU vs. OSU- KU wins! (barely...)

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