Thursday, October 11, 2012

2 months old/9weeks!

Our little guys is 2 months old (October 6, 2012)!

~Colin is moving more!  I went to pick him up in his crib one morning and he was almost sideways. :)

~He sleeps in his blue sleep sack from Leah.  It keeps him warm at night!

~We went to Baby Rhyme Time at the library again, and he stayed awake and seemed to enjoy the singing and reading.

~I FINALLY cut Colin's fingernails!  We did it outside and it wasn't that bad.  He wasn't too squirmy.

~We had his 2 month appointment.  He was 11pounds and 8 ounces and 22 inches long.  He got 3 shots in his legs and 1 oral vaccine.  He cried like crazy when the needles went in (who can blame him!!??) but was fine after we snuggled him.  We gave him his first dose of baby Tylenol later that night.

~We went to our first "playgroup" at the park.  It was a book swap!  I held you and talked to the other moms, and we came home with a cool book!

~Friday Zach had off work (it's nice, whenever there is a holiday, the military usually tacks on another day to make it a 4 day weekend.  Thanks Columbus!) so I went to a yoga class at K-State.  It's a neat noon time yoga program.  Anyone in the community can come to the class.  It was nice to get out and get moving!  I was so sore the next day, Colin sure did stretch out my tummy muscles!  I hope to go a few times a week.  Grandma Janice's niece goes to KSU and is going to be our babysitter. :)

~Saturday Colin turned 2 months old!  We went to Tailgation (Runge's parents' tailgate) like we did in college, but oh was it different!!  We parked in the grass, had strollers, diaper bags, and stuff galore, and it was about 45 degrees and windy!  So fun to see friends!

~That night we went to KC to a wedding.  He was such a trooper!

~He is getting so big!  Still in size 1 diapers, and they are fitting much better.  I found a newborn diaper in the drawer the other night and put him in fit but it was a bit snug! :)  He fits into 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  We love the pajamas that zip up, so much easier than the snaps in the wee hours of the morning!  We need to get him a coat or something to wear when it gets cold.

~So...we're going to start using cloth diapers!!! :) Seriously.  Our neighbor uses them, and they've changed so much since what I thought they were- white cloth with clothespins.  It will save us a ton of money, and we're really excited about it!  For more info, and to help you realize we're not crazy ( :) ) check out this informative link

Happy birthday Uncle Phil!

Photo shoot :)

Can't quite hold himself in the Bumbo, but almost!

2 months old!  10-6-12

He loves his tongue!

Sally and Annabelle at Tailgation

Andy, Annabelle, and Sally

Colin and Runge!

Knox and Kristi

Colin and Sally

So sweet...

Kara and Brian, newly engaged!

Heath, Knox, and Krisit

Colin & me, Kristi & Knox, Runge & Greyson, and Sally & Annabelle

With Sally and Runge

Poor confused boy...crimson and blue or purple!!??

Cheesing at Grandma in his fancy wedding outfit!


  1. So precious...loved meeting him! Can't wait to see you all again!! Bleed purple Colin :)

  2. Cute pics!! He is so cute and was such a trooper!! So fun seeing you and hope to see you again soon! XO
