Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's a BOY!!!!!!

 We had our anatomy scan ultrasound today, and she saw boy parts!  Bring on the blue!


Before I left for my appointment, I had my kids guess...boy or girl?  One of my smarties said "Mrs. Greenlee, if you have a big belly, it's a girl, if you have a smaller belly, it's a boy."  When I asked him which one I had, he looked at me like it was obvious, and said "Well, a girl!"  So MOST of the kids followed what he said. :)  They were so excited this morning to find out either way!

The guesses from my kids!


  1. BLUE IT IS!! How EXCITING TO SEE this special little child. God has richly blessed you!

  2. Congrats on a boy! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy because it will be over before you know it:)

  3. Yay!!! How exciting!! Congrats! Our little guys will be so close in age :) Can't wait for you to be back in KS! Hope you are feeling well!
