Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week # 4

We have a one month old baby!

~Poor baby, you still have blocked tear ducts and have eye crusties. :(  I heard to put breast milk on them, and it seems to help!

~You are using your hands more!  You "hold" the pacifier to your mouth with your fist, and try to hold the bottle when we feed you.  It's like you're afraid we'll take it away for good!

~Nursing didn't hurt this week!  I am still using the shield.  I accidentally vacuumed it up this week, so we need to get a new one.  Still pumping and supplementing with formula.

~We went out to dinner 3 times this week, with Colin!  He did well, slept most of the time and only got fussy toward the end when he was hungry.

~We've been doing tummy time everyday.  Either on us, or on the baby Einstein mat.  He loves it!  He uses his legs to push up, and his little turtle face comes out when he does his "push ups". :)  He is so strong!

~Colin sleeps a lot, but when he is awake he is alert!  His beautiful eyes are open and just look all around, and at us.

~He holds our gaze longer now, looking at us and other things.  His eyes are still very dark.

~There is a lot of grunting and squeaking coming from the basinet at night!

~Our friends Katie and Travis, and Kelsy and John came to visit Colin this weekend.

~College football season started!  Daddy went to the KU game on Saturday, and grandma Marcia came to visit.  Colin and I will go to Lawrence to tailgate next weekend.

~This week was the first of a few projectile spit-ups, mostly on daddy!

~On Friday we both rode in the front seat of the car, and he cried. :(  I spent most of the time twisting back trying to put his pacifier in his mouth!

~This weekend, I slept on my tummy for the first time in about 10 months!  I was really excited about this. :)

~Our next baby dr. appointment is at 2 months old, and I go in for my postpartum visit when he is 6 weeks.

~Newborn clothes are getting a bit snug (most of them) and we're still using the last of our newborn diapers.

~Everyday I write a little something in a weekly calendar.  Something special Colin did, something we did as a family, something we noticed.  I hope to do this for 1 year!  A few people gave me this idea, and I really wanted to do it! :)

My daily calendar, where I write something for Colin everyday!

"I represent, the lollipop guild!" (Wizard of Oz, for those who are confused :) )

Sleepy boys...

Grandma time!

Katie, a friend from college, came by to visit!

Kelsy, a teacher friend, and her husband John, spent Sunday with us!

I'm 1 month old! 9-3-12

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