Tuesday, July 3, 2012

34 Weeks

This week our baby is the weight of a cantaloupe!  He is getting hiccups very frequently. :)  At our last docs appt., she gave me some Zantac for my heartburn.  It wasn't unbearable, but it was annoying taking Tums all the time!  At that appt. we also talked our doc into ordering us another ultrasound!  People are usually only given 2 (one at the beginning and one at 20 weeks), but we want to see him again!  We'll have that on the 13th, then we'll start our weekly appts. on the 16th.  I can't believe there are only 6 weeks left!

We've gotten all moved in to our house!  And by "all moved in" I mean everything is in our house or garage. :)  The movers are required to put any furniture together that was taken apart in Germany.  So we've got beds and tables and such, plus a TON of boxes to go through.  Our house in Germany was about double the size since we had a basement for storage.  So we're slowly going through boxes, deciding where to put things and what to give away or put in long term storage.  

Last week Zach and his dad did the baby's room!  I saw a chair rail in a friends nursery, and that way we could both get the color on the wall we wanted- I wanted green and Zach wanted blue.  So Zach painted, and they both put up the chair rail in an afternoon.  It looks great and I can't wait to start decorating!

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