Wednesday, May 15, 2013

8 months old- April 2013


  • Colin still loves going to baby playgroups and seeing other babies.
  • I had my first night away from Colin!  I hosted Bunco at our house and didnt' want to risk Colin being woken up, so Zach took him to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Topeka for the night.  It wasn't as bad as I thought- I DID miss him like crazy...but sleeping in was nice! :)  Zach and I trade off on weekends, but there is nothing like sleeping sans monitor!
  • Colin gets to see his cousin Blazik every Sunday for dinner!
  • We were, like the rest of the country, glued to the TV during the Boston Marathon explosions and aftermath.  So incredibly sad. :(
  • Colin saw his 1st thunderstorm- and he slept right through it after!
  • He loves sucking on his 2 middle fingers- we call it his "hook em horns"
  • I was sick for the 1st time being a mother- like really sick.  Luckily he is such an easy baby, it wasn't that bad.
  • It SNOWED in April...yuck.
  • We celebrated our neighbors 2nd birthday and Aunt Traci's 21st (+19) birthday and were able to see a lot of family!
  • He can CLAP!  It's so cute!  We clap and he mimics.
  • He started crawling!  He's quick!  We, in turn, have started baby-proofing. :)
  • We lowered his crib, he's getting so big!
  • We are loving every minute of parenthood.  He is such a sweet boy and we are having so much fun with him!
8 months old- April 6, 2013

April Bunco!  

Cuddles with great grandma

Fun toys at grandmas!

Hanging out with Uber Opa

Meeting Great Uncle Tim

My Opa and late Oma

An article about my Oma and Opa- she was the
1st war bride to come back to the U.S.


Playing with our neighbor, Livia. 
Pulling up!

We've figured out a canister of formula lasts about a week, so we're spending about $80 a month on formula- can't wait to be done with that and on to milk!

He drinks 5 bottles a day, every 3ish hours.  Breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, dinner.  Each bottle is 6-7 oz.  

He has tried a few more foods! Blueberries, cantaloupe, Cheerios, yogurt, and tofu.  Yum!

Hasn't changed much- goes to bed around 6:30 (sometimes closer to 7), sleeps until about 5:30-6, and will go back down after a bottle.  1 morning nap that lasts about an hour, and 1 afternoon nap that lasts about 1.5-2 hours.  

Size: Doc appt. next month! :)

Colin still loves his jumper (yay!) and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.  Sophie is still a fave, and so are his toy baskets- he loves to dump them.  

Baby boy & stinker bug are the ones we use the most. :)

Mommy& Daddy:
I got a job!  I will be teaching 2nd grade in Wamego, KS (about 15 min. from our house, east of Manhattan!) I am really excited, although leaving Colin is bittersweet.  Luckily my mom will watch Colin!

Zach enrolled at K-State.  We were lucky enough to go to enrollment on the 1 day is SNOWED in April. :)  We luckily got MOST of his classes scheduled for MWF, so my mom will drive up those days.  He's looking forward to being a full time college student!